It's Been A Year!

What do you remember about this past year? What would you share with me if we got together for lunch or coffee?

I have so many stories I could share from the past year, but today I’ll just share one. Did you know that about a year ago we added another member to our TCI Team? Last year Jill Townsend, PT, CHT joined the team to direct our Wellness Series as a part-time volunteer as she works full time in Pennsylvania.


Wellness is the individual pursuit of physical, mental, and spiritual health. We started this wellness series because we believe attention to all three of these areas is what makes us whole, healthy people. Each wellness video features a healthcare provider sharing nuggets of truth from his/her area of expertise and how his/her faith has impacted his/her work. 

This month’s video took a slightly different twist as Dr. Sandlund explained how he uses prayer to guide his daily practice and encourages all believers, in healthcare and otherwise, to find Christ in our daily activities. Spoiler alert, Dr Sandlund just also happens to be Jill’s brother! So to celebrate Jill’s first year at TCI, I wanted to share her brother’s video here and give a shout out to Jill.

About once a month, we post a video created by a medical professional providing helpful information on a subject they are passionate about. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, check out other videos here: We hope you find these videos informative and helpful. If you have a topic you would like to see covered please contact us at: