Welcome Jill!

Earlier this year Jill reached out to me about an idea for a project. Instead of starting another new non-profit, she wanted to work with an already established organization. After researching different options, having many conversations, and diligently praying, we both sensed the project fit well with Therapy Clinics International (TCI). Please join me in welcoming Jill Townsend, PT, CHT, and Director of Voices of The Healer. I asked her to write a little biography to introduce herself. Next week she will introduce you to Voices of The Healer, and you’ll discover how the project not only fits with, but also expands the work of TCI.

I was fortunate to be born into a Christian family. My father was a pastor and chaplain in the VA hospital system.  Attending church was a regular occurrence for me and my brothers. However, this was often without my father. On Sunday he went to preach at the hospital, while my mother faithfully took us to church. Family events included dinner together followed by nightly devotions. Sometime I would eagerly await the conclusion so I could go out and play!  I am a wife, a mother of two children, a grandmother of two children, a preacher’s kid, and a physical therapist; however, as a Christian, my identity is in Christ. 

My parents steeped me and my brothers in Scripture. Little did I know as a child what importance that would have in my life. I was taught to run to Scripture, not from it. Having parents who went through the Great Depression, we lived simply but richly in many ways. We were given the perspective of His Kingdom from an early age. I believe a Christian is one who has accepted that beautiful and costly gift of grace and mercy on the cross. Then one simply, but not easily, follows Christ in word and deed walking in His Kingdom.  

For my brothers and me, our part of living this kingdom has been working in the health fields. As a physical therapist since 1981, I feel gratified that my occupation is one of servanthood. But then again, all work is service work. In 1987, I entered the specialty field of hand therapy. Then in 1991, I became a Certified Hand Therapist.  This focus on the hand and upper extremity continues to be of great interest to me. As physical and occupational therapists have now been trained in more of a holistic approach, I see how topics of nutrition, sleep, and well-being have enhanced treatment to my patients. 

I presently am the lead hand therapist at one of the hospitals in a major medical system.  I am thankfully employed by them, although it is ultimately the Lord I work for each day. It is all His. We are stewards. Of special interest to me is working with musicians and artists.  I do not have their talents, but they do run in my family. I have had the pleasure of presenting at Curtis Institute of Music and for the Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association. However, it has been my greater joy to serve as a consultant to Ceshy Summer School of Music, where I can speak openly about my faith as I present on preventing injury.

I want to thank Jennifer Hoines, Founder of Therapy Clinics International (TCI), for taking on a project I have been working on called Voices of The Healer. Her graciousness of allowing me to be involved with TCI has now allowed me to expand beyond my clinic. I look forward to the new horizons we will travel together!